First of all, you need to have a PSP folder on your desktop for this procedures to work
1. Run the Terminal in /Applications/Utilities/ then type the following in command line,
open /Volumes/ /PSP/SAVEDATA/
2. Replace open /Volumes/MyPSPCard/PSP/SAVEDATA/
3. Press Return. Then the folder in the Finder would open, then drag all the files that you want to your Mac.However, if you want this process to be GUI-free, just type the commands:
cd /Volumes/Untitled/PSP/SAVEDATA/
cp -R * ~/Desktop/PSP/
Hit Return after each line. The first cd command will change the directory of the mounted Memory Stick (In this case it called Untitled) to the SAVEDATA folder. The cp -R command will then copy all the files and folders within this folder into a folder called PSP on your desktop.
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