Saturday, September 12, 2009

Iphone Tips and tricks :How To Disable Automatic iPhone Backups

Start from long backups problem were addressed in the 2.1 update. As we know, since version 1.0, the iPhone has automatically backed itself up every time an iTunes sync was started. But, with the iPhone 2.0 update, the backup feature has gotten arguably out of hand. Because of obnoxiously long backup times which can make extremely frustration in refreshig the iPhone's information.

So if you're tired of automatic backups that take forever, here is the trick how to disable automatic iPhone backups depend to PC Operating System you use.

For Windows Operating System:
To apply this hack, you'll be editing the iTunesPrefs.xml, which is generally found at
C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEApplication DataApple ComputeriTunes.

If you don’t see the "Application Data" folder, you may need to enable hidden folders first.

The problem is that you can edit iTunesPrefs.xml file using the standard apps that come with Windows like Notepad. So you have to install another application like Notepad++ or else, to be used to edit it.

Here the next steps:
  1. Quit iTunes
  2. Make a backup of iTunesPrefs.xml. If you mess up, you'll wish you had a backup, so it's a good idea to make one.
  3. Open iTunesPrefs.xml using Notepad++
  4. Search for "User Preferences" without the quotes and you should find something like "<key>User Preferences</key>"
  5. Right below the first <dict> that comes after "<key>User Preferences</key>", paste the following:


  6. Save the file and open iTunes. If all went well, your iPhone will sync, but it won't back up. To back up manually, right click your iPhone in the source list and choose "Back Up".

For Mac Operating System:

On Mac OS, is little easier,
  1. Quit iTunes

  2. Open Terminal (HD -> Applications -> Utilities)
  3. Paste in the following and hit return:
    defaults write AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool true
  4. That's it! Next time your iPhone syncs, it won't back up. To back up manually, right click your iPhone in the source list and choose "Back Up".

To re-enable automatic backups, follow the same steps only use this instead:
defaults write AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false

This tips should be good for those who miss the ability to quickly sync before you run out the door. However we recommend you to do a regular backups of your iPhone anyway.

You can also simply click the (x) in the iTunes status windows once it says "backing up". Which quits backup and then continues with syncing.

Or try using Backup Disabler application you can find at:

Backup Disabler looks good, although it seems like the app totally disables backups instead of just killing the auto-backup. That means that you'd have to re-enable the backups to do a backup instead of just right clicking your iPhone.
Other alternative is using a small Windows program called "iPhone Backup Switch". The program will allow you to enable and disable the iPhone backup feature in iTunes. it will backup the iTunes configuration and let you restore a previous version, if something goes wrong. It has been tested in Windows XP and VISTA, and run well. Comes complete with installer and uninstaller.

Get it here:

You can try that two application with your own risk, hope you finally did to disable Automatic iPhone Backup and solve your long backup times problem.


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