First what you want to do is connect to your wireless connection .
Click On Settings>WiFi>Turn WiFi ON. Make sure you are connecting to YOUR wireless connection , check what is the name of your ssid(wireless name) on your router.
Before you connect to your wireless connection check if your connection is secured or not. To do that follow, the steps above once you found your wireless.
If there is a LOCK image that means your connection is secured, from this point you want to get that WEP or WAP key from your wireless router.
Connecting to your wireless network with Ipod Touch
If asked for password enter your WEP or WAP key and click on Join button, wait few moments and then see if you are connected. Test with your safari browser.
Can't connect to wireless network?
Few things you can check:
Did you get an IP address from your wireless router?
Unplug the power from your router shut down your ipod touch. Plug back in your router first, then wait for 1 minute and then turn on your Ipod Touch.
You are not getting an IP at all?
Are you sure you are connected to your wireless router?
Does your router have MAC address filtering On?
Did you enter correct Password (WEP-WAP key)?
Few more things to check...
Does your homepage work?
Did you try etc?
How about your YouTube do you get any videos?
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