Monday, August 17, 2009

Google Hacked??? - This is crazzy

Google Error - Google May Harm Malware Warning

I am tried searching for few things on google and all the results i got back said this site may harm your computer with a Malware Warning.

I thought it was problem related to my search query BUT

then I search for Google website from google and I got the same result. Here are the screenshot.

I tried restarting my computer, using firefox browser, chrome browser - everything returned the same. even tried, etc

Any one else experienced this problem??

Either the Google search Index is corrupted or Google is Hacked!

UPDATE: Google is BACK! :) We will have to wait for an official announcement from Google on the situation. I hope no private data stored on Gmail were compromised

Update: Google uses as its Malware partner and it had outsourced the malware check to it. is Down that brought down

Update: Spam emails spluring out into Inbox in Gmail after the Google May Harm situation. Hope this will be resolved soon

Update: Here's a official word from Google on the incident. I thought the Internet was coming to an end. I am Proud to have witnessed this event myself on the 31st of January 2009 :)

The company today blamed the mistake on human error and apologised to users and site owners whose pages were incorrectly labelled.

The glitch occurred between 1.30am and 2.25am, Google Inc said in an explanation on its company blog.

Anyone who did a Google search during that time likely saw the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanying every search result, the company said.

Google said it routinely flags any search results with that message if the site is known to install malicious software in the background or otherwise surreptitiously, a practice aimed at protecting its users.

It gets its list of suspicious sites from, a non-profit project headed by legal scholars at Harvard and Oxford universities who research consumer complaints.

Today's error happened when the latest update to the list was received from StopBadware but was checked in such a way that the warning would apply to all URLs, the company said in a statement.

The glitch was caught by on-call staff and the file was quickly fixed, Google said.

Since the updates are applied in a staggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing at 1.27am and disappeared no later than 2.25am, with the duration for any particular user approximately 40 minutes, it said.

"We will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in to prevent it from happening again," said Marissa Mayer, vice-president of search products and user experience, in the statement.


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