You can find General, Niche and Local directories to submit your website to at Which Directories.
When I've built a new website I submit my site to a proportion of the directories listed on that site depending on:
1. The money I'm willing to spend on the particular project as some of these charge a submission fee, and;
2. The value of the links page inside these directories for the topic that particular project is about. For example, when I submitted Understanding Adsense I checked the page that my link would appear on for things like;
- The number of steps from the homepage my link page would be,
- The title of the page my link would appear on - does it match my keywords?
- The flexibility of the actual link - can I use my target keywords and not my website name?
- The Page Rank of the page my link would appear on,
- The number of links on the page my link would appear on - there should be below 20.
Apply these type of factors to directories which charge a submission fee in particular. It can be a lucrative business charging website owners for what are in effect valueless links - don't pay for things that don't align with your SEO strategy.
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