The majority of people who use Adsense already have a website or would like to build one around a topic they know about.
Adsense for these people is simply a way to monetize it. To make an extra $1,000 or so a month.
These are the monetizers. The other type of Adsense Publisher is the empire builder. If you want to build an Adsense Empire you must approach your task from a different perspective.
The fundamental difference is that you have now become a middleman - a middleman between internet traffic and Adsense Ads.
Your aim will be to connect people with the ads that they will click on and every website that you build serves as a platform to facilitate this connection. The more people you connect to ads the more money you make - that's the game.
For example, a $30,000 a month empire would probably be composed of anything between 20 and 80 websites depending on the models used, the niches targeted and the degree of optimization undertaken on each website.
Creating 80+ websites is a lot of work, especially if you don't know what you're doing and so there are certain "rules" that are worth paying note to that will help you stay on track.
The Rules of Adsense Empire Building
- Don't become attached to your websites - the aim is not to perfect each website but to do what is necessary to create a successful website for the particular niche that that website relates to. This is still very easy to do as the quality of most websites are still very poor. The most common trap is to get caught trying to beautify one webiste when the only person judging it is yourself.
- Build horizontally not vertically - it's easier to make a large number of websites that do ok than it is to make 5 that dominate their particular market. Competition at the top is always fierce and places additional demands on you including constant updating and constant link building. Don't aim high, aim wide and you can have a pretty much automated empire rather than a few sites which constantly require your attention.
- Target niches - the internet is made up of lots of markets and each of these markets is a keyword pyramid. The key to a successful empire is choosing your markets and then targetting their keywords.
- Come up with a definite model that can be applied to various niches - uniformity is the name of the game when you are operating in several markets. Develop a model that works and then apply it to other markets, tweaking where necessary.
- Build a web template for that model and use it for numerous websites - if you're targetting different niches the chances of crossing over traffic is very slim and even if it does slight adaptations to a particular niche including colors and images will make the template appear fresh and original. You can either build a template using an application like XSitePro, buy a template which you have reuser rights for or modify a free template. I used to modify free templates as their actual structure is often sound and it allowed me the freedom to make changes but as XSitePro makes it so easy to build a new site my method has somewhat changed. Whatever works best for you, just make sure you use it more times than once - building fresh templates takes too much time.
- Focus on getting traffic from the seach engines - There's no source of traffic like search engine traffic. The only thing that comes close is Adwords or Overtures PPC Services - but they cost money. Getting search engine traffic revolves around Search Engine Optimization. This involves extensive link building which will also serve as a source of traffic, killing two birds with one stone.
- Develop a sound link building strategy - people always go wrong with link building in exactly the same way - they don't think. It's very easy to waste a lot of time and energy haphazardly searching and requesting links. If you're building an empire you want to limit this time to a minimum. I always start with directories and move forward from there. I'm in the process of building two websites that will help you with this. I'll include a link here once they're up and running.
- Make sure all of your pages are content rich - the only way to get good search engine traffic is to have content rich pages. There are two ways of making content rich pages - with information or with products.
- Steer Clear of Advertising - using Adwords or other ppc search engines to convert on Adsense has become a popular idea in recent times. It is possible to make a profit but it's limitations as a model far outweigh its potential unless you're supplementing the pages with products from an affiliate network like Clickbank. If I'm not doing that I only use Adwords to test my Adsense integration on a particular site.
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